THERAsurf is a collective of parents and professionals that believe in the healing power of the ocean. We live to share our passion with those who need it most.

Breaking Mental and Physical Barriers
We embrace the notion that surfing is therapy and believe in its transformational power to instill courage and confidence. We honor the life-altering effects of these experiences and the unforgettable memories they provide for the kids and their families.

Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity
We hold that all children are equal, regardless of ability, and respect their individual needs and differences. We recognize that we are their advocates, and welcome their families and friends as part of our community.

Years of Experience in Water Safety
We prioritize safety over everything at THERAsurf. Every member of our team has extensive experience in the water and equal experience with a diversity of disabilities.
Our Partners

The Stable Road Foundation has a longstanding commitment to helping kids with disabilities have fun and participate in exciting group activities.
SRF supports THERAsurf in many ways including supporting us in our travels to the Mexilogfest.

Ed Freedman - Founder

We are grateful to have Duke's Malibu as a dedicated supporting partner. They generously provide nourishment for our athletes and volunteers during event days, and also offer their event space for fundraisers.
Duke's has gone above and beyond, volunteering in numerous other ways, and their partnership is truly invaluable to us.